Finding Here
Proof of concept pitch for a Taos, New Mexico-based reality show. Finding Here gives the audience a fast-paced peek into the alternate lifestyle this magical place thrives on. It is here under the southwestern sky where the spirits lead you to exhilaration without limits. At the center is the world's first solar-powered radio station KTAO but the non-stop action doesn't stop there as it finds you here!
Anattā Trailer
Trailer for the feature length documentary on the life and work of Taos artist Jack Richard Smith
Russell Means Documentary
Wounded Knee Excerpt
The Race Against Time - Pikes Peak Trailer
A behind the scenes look at the drivers that take on one of the world’s most dangerous race courses.
Songs & Stories
Max Gómez, Taos’ own Americana star, joins up with Shawn Mullins, Michael Hearne, Lari White, “Songs & Stories” concert.
Made in New Mexico
An inside look at the film and media-making industry in New Mexico – from its history to its future - and how progressive tax incentives fueled a boom in production stirring up political controversy over the industry’s true value to the state in difficult financial times.
An Afternoon with Paul Pascarella
Taos Artist Paul Pascrella is visited by filmmaker David Jean Schweitzer on April 3, 2010. This brief portrait of the artist in his studio includes a discussion of the 3 creative periods of his art.
Abbie Hoffman Makes Gefilte Fish
Abbie Hoffman making gefilte fish on the Christmas Eve of 1973 at the Chelsea Hotel. Filmed with Laura Cavestani, Hoffman tells stories as he performs an elaborate ancient family recipe before the porta-pac video camera by 19 year old artist David Jean Schweitzer.